The weekend lights up with Australian author Verity Marshall and her book Hard Money

I welcome author Verity Marshall to the blog today

In another incarnation, Verity Marshall writes short stories. Nice little animal stories, with innocent, happy-endings. Hard Money is a major departure from her well-worn and familiar genre. Growing up in the quintessential, middle class Australian family, without the trials, and tribulations of many writers, Verity had no issue to examine, or translate into her work.

Having been privately educated, and marring at a young age, Verity lived a somewhat protected and insular life. Conversations with a friend, who was living a diametrically opposite lifestyle, stirred her imagination.

Thus began a curiosity with all dysfunctional behaviors, fortunately our society abounds with dysfunction! Therefore, it was only a matter of paying attention, and keeping a record of the activities of others, to find inspiration.

Hi Verity, I have some questions for you today:

What book/s have you brought along to tell us about today?  
My book is titled, "Hard Money - The naked truth behind the red light" 

 Are you working on another book right now?
Frustratingly, I have been kept so busy with marketing 'HARD MONEY-NAKED TRUTH’ that I have only managed to write some outlines notes for a possible sequel.
What do you enjoy most about writing?
The knowledge that I have made an impression on the reader
What do you like the least?
Would you like to see any of your books as movies?
Can you name any actors you would like to see as the lead characters in your book.
Asian/Australian actress, Stephanie Son is my pick for Madam Lulu, Toni Collette as Chloe, Emily Browning as Becky, and Rose Burn as Amber
What things do you like to do to relax?
Do you have another job as well as writing?
Co CEO of a large family
If you could have one super power in your existence, what would it be?
Physical strength

If money were not an object, where would you most like to live?
Exactly the place I now live - we are very lucky

What kind of car would you have if money was no object?
An electric car

What’s your favorite food?
Fruit and veggies
Favorite color?

Just answer these questions as quickly as possible.

Chocolate or vanilla?----- Vanilla

Dog or cat?---- Both

The film or the book?-----  Book

Jeans or dress? Jeans

Beach or Snow resort? Snow, although, only because we live close to the world's best beaches, therefore, snow is a nice change.

Heels or flats? Flats

What do you love best about yourself? My strength of character

Find Verity online:
On Twitter as: @IntelligentEros & @HardNakedTruth

During the 1980s, a childhood friend inherited a suburban brothel from her former husband. After listening for many years to her wild and bizarre tales, I decided to chronicle the conversations and use them as the inspiration for Hard Money.

My friend arranged for me to speak with a ‘madam’ well known to her, Miss Lulu. The madam’s immediate enthusiasm for the project enabled me to tap into a wealth of material. I was invited to sit in the girl’s lounge room to hear the gossip and assigned a small office area for interviews and surveys.

The pivotal character of Hard Money is the madam of the brothel, Miss Lulu, who takes an unusual approach to running a business notorious for its use of heavy-handed tactics. Miss Lulu is a kind and caring employer who often puts her employees’ happiness and harmony before profit making. Her co-stars in this theatre of social deviancy are an eclectic group of women who, during their working day, accept a reality of life that most people prefer to ignore.

The story The Girls’ Room features candid conversations between the prostitutes while they’re discussing customers. Other stories include recounts of the physical machinations the workers experience during bookings and their emotional reactions to them.

Each story is graphically recounted and has a humorous undertone. In crafting the commentary, I’ve attempted to give readers an insight into the motives of both sex workers and their clients. The stories range from titillating to the weird and comical. The characters have a diverse range of personalities, moral beliefs, and ethnicities, and are far from stereotypical. Throughout the book are ‘factual inserts’ of interesting statistics and general observations of the people I interviewed. I include many happy endings, not always the expected one!

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