A #ScintillatingSunday kiss from a Dom #erotic #romance

#ScintillatingSunday from 'A Dom for Patti' 8 sentences of scintillation
Cameron waited his mouth so close to hers their breath mingled. The sensation closed his eyes with the passion it aroused in him. He merged his lips with hers in a kiss that hardened his cock to a painful level.

She reached her hands up to hold his head. Her fingers tunneled in his hair, grasping.

Cameron sighed with the pleasure of her touch. He moved his hand from between her thighs, and took hold of her shoulders, pushing her back to look into her eyes.

“Please answer me.”

© Elodie Parkes Evernight Publishing 2015
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The fab @erzabetbishop visits with new @DecadentPub, 'Club Beam, Beyond FairyTales' #eroticromance

In the Shadow World, nothing is as it seems.
Detective Sydney Marr is having a very bad day. Her boss is on the warpath, she’s being treated for a werewolf bite, and her current case has hit a dead end. When her friend Erika talks Syd into going with her to Club Beam, she jumps at the chance, even if it means spending an evening without her spell arsenal. A high-class vampire bar and fetish club, Club Beam is fantasy made real.
Club owner and Dom Gideon Raines spies the red-haired beauty and is transfixed. A fight against a skillful murderer brings war for fae and vampire alike. Sometimes when you play with monsters, the monsters play back.
Release date: May 5, 2015
Pages: 106
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Line: Beyond Fairy Tales, Shadow World Series
Genre: Paranormal Urban Fantasy, Fairy Tale, m/f

Inspiration and motivation:
When I first contacted Decadent Publishing to inquire about their fairy tale line I was assigned a story called “The Beam.” I looked it up and found out it was about a wizard who is bested by a woman and he exacts his revenge. Whenever I encounter a new project like this, I have to sit down and think about what all the moving parts mean. In this case, how to turn a story like this into a modern romance that readers would find appealing. Since I tend to write urban fantasy slanted pieces, I immediately laser beamed in on the wizard and witch part. I mean, how cool is that to have a ready-made story ripe for the picking? I just had to add some modern twists. What would be more modern than a witchy karaoke event and fairy tale fetish night? 
The process of writing for me is an organic one. It begins with a legal pad and a series of colorful sticky notes and a foam board. I start thinking about the chapters and what needs to happen to make the story move and there you go-plot points on sticky notes I can adjust as needed. It works too. Sydney had lots of thoughts on where she wanted to go and believe me, she is still in there talking. The second book in the Shadow World series is already writing itself (think dragon shifters and a psychic) and I can see the fireworks shaping up nicely.
Check out further adventures with Master Gideon and Sydney in Sci Spanks 2015 now available on Amazon. You might just get invited for a session behind the Red Door. Master Gideon has a paddle and he’s ready to play. There will be more where that came from, you can count on that…

I hope you will enjoy the introduction to my Shadow World series and return to Club Beam for many more adventures. I am happy to share that the audio book is now in the works.
Buy links:
“Once upon a time….” Erika sang and waggled her eyebrows. “Come on, Sydney. Live a little. This club is smoking hot, and you’ll love it.”
Sydney grumbled under her breath and watched the club-goers parade past, each dressed like a fairy-tale character. The Little Mermaid trounced by in a see-through, diaphanous gown revealing too much in the way of personal attributes. Sleeping Beauty sashayed down the sidewalk with a leash around the neck of her Prince Charming. A woman in a way-too-short Red Riding Hood outfit approached. Her arm was wrapped around a seductress dressed in wolf ears, a tail, and a skimpy thong-style bikini. Red carried a basket full of what looked like pink fuzzy handcuffs and a can of whipped cream, which she swung into Syd.
The red-cloaked vixen sent her a wink and traipsed on by, joined by a near-pornographic version of the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland. Any shorter and the skirt would show her naughty bits. Or maybe that was the plan.
Syd had just gotten off her day shift as a detective, and the last thing she wanted to do was be around more people. Especially people with more skin showing than on late-night cable shows. Her head hurt from the lights and the pulse of the music, and her stupid witch costume was pinching her toes. Erika’s scant fairy costume hugged all her curves, her breasts bursting from the bodice. The skirt barely covered her backside, and the strappy silver sandals showed off her silver-glitter nail polish.
The building loomed next to them. A giant warehouse-like structure, it was large enough to house all manner of mischief, and Syd was itching with the desire to get inside and find out just what was going on behind its doors. The sidewalk was flagged by trees lit up with twinkly white lights, adding an upscale ambiance to the area. What in the daylight looked like an industrial area gone to the dogs had been transformed into an attractive and well-attended venue.
She didn’t have the heart to tell Erika she’d been here once already today for the case she was working on, but the entrance had been sealed up tighter than a drum. Sydney’s recourse was to infiltrate Club Beam by night as a patron. Her sergeant, Debra, would kill her if she realized Syd had even considered going in without backup. So would her partner, James. Erika had asked her to come so she wouldn’t be alone, and, despite herself, Syd couldn’t resist. To catch a vampire, you had to go out at night, and Club Beam was the hot spot. After last month’s fuckup, she had to do this and do it right, even if it killed her. James was on medical leave, and it remained up to her to get this guy before someone else got killed or turned furry.
I will not think about becoming one of the terminally furry. It’s over. Move on. Take the pills the doctor gave you and freaking pray.
“Oh look. I think I see Snow White.” Erika stood on her tiptoes and craned her head along the huge expanse of line they still had to navigate to get inside.
Syd peered into the crowd and grimaced. Hairy legs. More makeup than a Mac commercial. “Nope. That was a guy in drag.”
Erika narrowed her eyes. “God, Syd. You’re the world’s biggest wet blanket ever.”
Sydney shifted her weight and moved another two steps toward the door as the line inched forward. “I told you, I’ve had a hard day. We had a homicide case come in, and I’ve been out beating the street. I want to go home and bury my head under my pillow. But, no. Out of the kindness of my heart, here I am standing in line at a vampire bar with a bunch of overgrown kids playing dress-up in fairy-tale fetish wear.”

About the Author:
Erzabet Bishop is the author of Club Beam, Sigil Fire, Written on Skin, Tethered, Pomegranate, Temptation Resorts Jess and Marnie interactive choose your own adventure romances and more. She is a contributing author to The Big Book of Submission, Slave Girls, Hungry for More and many other anthologies. She is a winner of  two 2015 Goldie Awards for her work in anthologies and an active member of the Romance Writers of America. She lives in Texas with her husband, furry children and is often playing at local bookstores. Follow her posts on Twitter @erzabetbishop.

My blog guest today is the lovely @galestanley with her story 'Yellow Eyes' @EvernightPub #shifters #MMromance

Thanks so much for letting me visit today. I want to tell you a little about my new release from Evernight Publishing. Yellow Eyes is a story in Bad Alpha Manlove Edition.

Bad Alpha Manlove is a sexy collection of paranormal gay romance with shifters so ruthless they will stop at nothing to protect their pack. These aren't sugar-and-spice heroes. The alphas are feared, inked, and don’t ask questions first. They take what they want, never give in to their enemies, and think love is for the weak—until they meet their mate. Are you ready to learn how to tame a savage heart? Read on.

YELLOW EYES by Gale Stanley


The brutal war between shifters and humans is over, but each side still sees the other as a threat. The only thing they can agree on, is that they can’t agree. Humans live east of the bridge, shifters live west.

Camden is a half-breed, the product of a rape that happened during the war. Neither side wants him, but he lives with his human mother. The night she dies, Camden goes west looking for revenge. He knows he won’t find his father, and he’ll probably get himself killed, but he doesn’t care. As long as he takes a shifter with him, he’ll die happy.

Wyat is alpha of the pack living in the west. He’s a warrior who believes in separation of the races. Then on the night of the full moon, he discovers a half-breed hiding in the alley. The man’s scent makes him burn with lust, and against his better judgement, he takes him home—and discovers that sleeping with the enemy might just lead to a better future.


Wyat stepped out of the shower and snagged an old towel, pulling the rusty hook and a piece of plaster along with it. He made a mental note on his to-do list, then he tossed the hook and rubbed himself down. The friction of stiff, scratchy fabric on flesh set off sparks that made him throw back his head and howl.

The sun hadn’t even set, but already he felt the tug of a full moon. A shifter could no more deny the lunar pull than he could stop breathing. Once every month, Wyat’s lupine pheromones took over and all he could think about was getting his rocks off. In a few hours, he’d be ready to stick his dick into anything that moved. Well, maybe not anything. Wyat didn’t do pussy.

Funny how things turn out. The pack never envisioned a gay man as their alpha, but fate had other plans. Leadership passed from father to son and there was no doubt royal blood pulsed in Wyat’s veins. So did the desire to suck cock—but for a long time Wyat kept that part of his genetic endowment hidden. Wolf-shifters were manly men, and they expected their leader to fuck harder, fight harder, and produce lots of pups.

Available at


Gale Stanley grew up in Philadelphia PA. She was the kid who always had her nose in a book, her head in the clouds, and her hands on a pad and pencil.
Some things never change.

Until Forever, (Merricks, Montana 5) from @sirenbookstrand and guest author @mckinlaythomson Read an excerpt #menage

Until Forever (Merricks, Montana 5)
[Ménage and More: Erotic Consensual BDSM Ménage a Trois Romance, M/M/F, with M/M, spanking, sex toys, HEA]
All Cody Winters wants is a loving dominant to call his own. Cody knows Troy Boone is the man for him, but Troy has commitment issues and it is driving them apart. When he is offered his dream job, Cody decides to start over, but his car breaks down just outside of Merricks, Montana, leaving him desperately in need of a knight in shining armor.
Samantha McDonald has yet to find that one man that makes her body stand up and take notice. She comes across a broken down car on the side of the road, and is surprised and delighted with what she finds.
When Troy roars into town and throws a spanner in their budding relationship, Cody suggests that they try things the Merricks way. Sam will risk everything to keep her new submissive, even if it means dating another Dom.
Trouble has also followed Cody and their lives are in danger. Will Cody need rescuing once more?


Sam shuffled over to Cody on her knees and looked up at her sub. He was covered in a fine sheen of sweat, his hard body glistening in the light. She ran her hands along his flesh and felt the heat of his body under her palms. The hair on his legs was coarse and bristly, a contrast against his smooth skin.
He was everything she had ever wanted in a submissive and had handled his spanking better than she could ever imagine. Troy’s big palms had laid into his ass, and even Sam had cringed slightly at the force. Cody had simply moaned and stuck his ass out farther, silently begging for more.
Sam had found herself getting turned on as she had spanked Cody’s butt, but it was nothing compared to the fascination and desire she had felt watching Troy as he dominated Cody.
Sam took his hard length in her hand and wrapped her fingers around its wide circumference. Cody was well endowed, her small fingers unable to get all the way around.
She wondered what Troy would look like. He was a big man. Was he big all over? She would say yes if she had to guess. Cody’s loud moan bought her out of her wonderings and back to the task at hand.
“Does my subbie want something?” Sam asked. She leaned forward, licked the slit of his cock, and tasted his salty flavor for the first time. His masculine essence tingled on her tongue, a flavor unique to Cody. His cock jumped in her hand, so she repeated the action and then swirled her tongue around the spongy head.
Troy sat down on the couch next to Cody. Sam watched him with hooded eyes and took Cody farther into her mouth. She used her saliva to lubricate his length and then bobbed her head up and down and hollowed out her cheeks.
“Tug on his balls, baby,” Troy told her. “He likes to have them pulled on.”
Sam reached up and did as Troy told her. Sam rolled them in her palm and gave them a gentle yank. Cody’s hips came off the couch as he shouted, making Sam smile around his shaft. He really did like having his balls played with.
“Please,” Cody said. “I can’t hold back any longer.”
Sam loved the power she yielded over Cody, and it turned her on only more to hear him beg. She lifted her head and looked at the pained expression on Cody’s face. His chest was rapidly rising and falling, and his eyes were scrunched closed.
“You may come,” Sam said and took his cock into her mouth once more. She took him to the back of her throat and swallowed around his large head. Using her hand to pump his shaft, she worked in time with her mouth.
She didn’t have to wait long before Cody was shouting to the rafters and spilling his seed into her mouth. Sam swallowed and worked his cock in her mouth as he came over and over.
She licked him clean as he softened in her mouth before lifting her head and smiling up at him. His eyes were closed, and he wore a blissful expression on his face, and Sam felt a level of satisfaction that she hadn’t gotten with any other submissive.
“That was hot,” Troy said. “Cody seems to be out of it.”
Sam could see the bulge straining against Troy’s pants and wondered what was going to happen next. She stood, pulled the throw rug off the back of her armchair, and wrapped it around her sleeping sub. He deserved the rest, and it was her job to look after him. She went into the kitchen and grabbed him a bottle of water from the fridge so it would be there when he woke.
Troy was still on the couch when she got back and put the water on the coffee table. Suddenly she felt awkward, not sure what was supposed to happen next. She stood facing Troy and bit her lip in indecision. She knew what she wanted to happen. She just wasn’t sure she should ask for it.
Troy’s cock was still straining against his pants, and Sam’s clit throbbed with need. She discreetly tried to rub her thighs together to lessen her arousal.
“Um,” she said. “I could take care of you too, if you like.”
Gosh, she was supposed to be a Domme. Why was she suddenly so meek and indecisive?
“I have a better idea,” Troy said. “Take off your panties and sit on the armchair. I want to taste you first.”
Sam sucked in a deep breath, and she rushed to comply. She wanted to feel Troy’s mouth on her pussy more than anything in the world at that moment in time.
She kicked off her panties and sat on the chair, her skirt still covering her girly parts from Troy.
“Lift up your skirt and place your legs over the arms of the chair,” Troy told her. “I want to see my pussy, and it is my pussy.”

Author Bio!
I live in Melbourne, Australia with my husband, two children and a Maltese Jack Russell who can't stop barking. I had my first idea for a story whilst working as a chef at the local pub. I have been addicted to reading since my ninth grade teacher read us The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. From then on I read anything I could get my hands on. Now, I love to read stories with a happy-ever-after ending, especially erotic romance. When I’m not running after my kids, I usually can be found cooking, reading or writing.
Email her at: mckinlaythomson@yahoo.com.au

BookStrand: http://www.bookstrand.com/mckinlay-thomson
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/McKinlay-Thomson/e/B00MLWZ4YC/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/McKinlay-Thomson/219992518182076?ref=bookmarks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/McKinlayThomson
Tsu: https://www.tsu.co/McKinlayT
Blog: http://mckinlaythomson.blogspot.com.au/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7563886.McKinlay_Thomson

Shower sex for #ScintillatingSunday hop

From October Siren Publishing release 8 paragraphs of scintillation
Wolf Bond: The Venn Pack in Love 2
He sighed with pleasure. Her every touch was so welcome, so good to feel, his balls ached, his ass clenched and his cock leaked. He took the shoes off her and then slipped her panties off. He left them on the floor and grabbed her around the thighs lifting her over his shoulder as she laughed and ran her hands down his back to hold on. He carried her into his bathroom sliding a hand between her upper thighs as he walked. He couldn’t resist teasing at her pussy. 
Liberty gasped and cream wet her folds under his fingertips.

Eden stopped at the shower stall and reached one hand in to turn the faucet. He let Liberty down slowly and held her against his body. He thrust his hard cock on her stomach slowly and gently as he held her face and kissed her. “I am going to fuck you all night.”

She moaned softly against his lips. “That sounds perfect.” She held his hand and stepped into the sprinkles of water.

Eden took a handful of shower gel and smoothed it over her shoulders and down her back. He kneaded her ass as he kissed the water from her face and the tip of her nose. Her satiny skin under his palms made him tingle. He slid his hands over her hips and down her stomach. His fingertips slipped over her tempting mound and he traced the slit of her pussy slowly. Every muscle in his body tightened as he closed his eyes against her cheek and pushed his fingers into her wet welcome. Soft sounds escaped him. They murmured up from his throat all by themselves, and his hips jerked involuntarily in time to the strokes of his fingers in Liberty’s pussy. The head of his cock hit against her body and slid in the shower water as it streamed over her. Eden moaned with pleasure, all his senses heightened by the water, the smooth silken feel of her skin, and the way she whispered to him. “Fuck me, fuck me, Eden.”

She brought suds from the shower gel from her body to his. Trailing her palms down his ass and teasing at the crack in gentle sweeps. She reached between their bodies, and circled the head of his cock with slippery fingertips unable to reach and grasp his erection because he finger fucked her and his arm was in the way. “I can’t get to you. Bend a little. I need to touch you.”

Eden’s eyes were heavy with lust. He took his free hand from her face where he held her to kiss and leaned on the shower wall. He moved his body so that she could reach him. 

Her hands sheathed his erection.

He jerked into the enclosure. He groaned and sought her mouth to take more kisses. The water ran in warm rivulets over his head, and down his back. He curled his fingers in her pussy and thrust his cock into her hands.

 Copyright Elodie Parkes 2015 Siren Publising
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April Zyon brings an excerpt from her story, Tiger's Mate, #paranormalromance @aprilzyon

Streak politics, and differences in opinions forced Kurt Owens to choose his own path. While it may be outside of the law in many regards he sees it as ensuring justice for the true victims of crimes when the system fails them. It’s his way of seeing the guilty pay, and keeping his own inner beast in check with the violence, and blood it craves.
Everyone thinks having a super power would be great. Alexa Harold would beg to differ. She’s been cursed to see ghosts, the dead not yet having gone to their final resting place, or judgment, or wherever they belong. They track her down, and harass her until she’s ready to go mad. Learning early in life what she needs to avoid has been the only saving grace in keeping her sanity intact.
Then she sees a man who couldn’t possibly be real. It was just her luck that such a prime specimen would in fact be deceased. Only he isn’t, and he’s taking notice of her. With a little temptation, some mystery, and a taunt he leaves her wanting more.

Kurt never thought he’d find his mate outside of the streak, or streak functions. While those of a supernatural inclination aren’t exactly rare, they have had to be careful and keep their population down. Alexa is the woman for him the only one he could ever want or need. And when her life is put in danger by his own past Kurt won’t stop until everyone understands to get to this tiger’s mate, they’ll have to get through him.

Wrapping his hand around the fresh longneck the bartender slid his way, Kurt lifted it to his lips to take a long drink. His contact was late. Never a good sign when the guy who did all his go-between work wasn’t on time. Especially when it was payday.
Kurt would give the man another half hour before hunting his ass down. Any longer than that and the ditzy blonde at the other end of the bar might garner up some courage to come talk to him. Her friends had been daring her to since they’d caught sight of him. So far she’d resisted their urging despite the number of hungry looks she’d sent his way.
While he had zero problems hooking up with some random, preferably nameless, chick in a bar, that one looked like serious trouble. He could have given anyone a multitude of reasons why. Namely he knew she was trouble by the two thousand dollar shoes, one and a half thou handbag, and he didn’t even want to tally up her outfit. Kurt wasn’t a connoisseur of fashion, not even close, but he’d been around enough to start to recognize the brand names. He had to be observant in what he did, as otherwise he’d end up dead.
He took another long pull from the bottle, camouflaging his perusal of  the group so that they wouldn’t  perceive it as interest. The blonde was downing shots.  Freaking fan-fucking-tastic. If she put enough down, she’d likely get up the courage to actually wobble over in her overpriced stilettos. Not what he wanted tonight. He was here to get paid for the job he’d completed, and then he was going to find a place where no one knew him to crash for many hours of peaceful slumber.
Tensing, he felt someone getting close he let out a breath. Only the waitress. He’d chosen the end of the bar with the wall to his back so he could see the entire place, and so no one could get too close without him knowing. While it sucked if he had to bail, it was tactically the wisest location in case trouble came calling.
And blonde bimbo was making her move. Son of a fucking bitch. She tottered across the bar, closing the distance between them as he waved the bartender over for another cold one. Relief crashed through him as his contact slid onto the empty seat at Kurt’s side.
“Sorry, man, fucking accident six blocks over fucked me right up. I’m late. I sincerely apologize. Didn’t know it was there until I was in the thick of the shit. It’s truly amazing how perfectly decent human beings turn into the Grim fucking Reaper when there’s a DOA at a crash. Couldn’t get a single one of them to move enough to let me through. Fuckers all looked at me like I was the douchebag.”
Lenny signaled the bartender when he’d finished his spiel. Kurt gave the man a few moments to take a drink before he acknowledged him. “No worries,” he said quietly. He didn’t bother mentioning he’d been mere minutes from heading out to hunt his scrawny ass down. No reason to upset the little guy unduly. Besides, Lenny knew what Kurt would do to him if the man didn’t show up for a meet.
“I tucked it into the usual spot,” Lenny said. Which meant Kurt’s payment was secured in Kurt’s truck in the lockbox in the back. “I may have another gig for you. I’ll need to do some background, and check a few of the less clear details, but I should know something in a couple of days.”
Kurt gave a slow nod. The blonde was back at the table of idiotic sorority types downing more shots. “Shoot me a text for a meet when you feel confident about it.”
While Lenny might give the impression of being the unreliable sort, Kurt did trust him. To a degree. The man brokered all the deals, kept Kurt out of it all, and ensured Kurt got paid for what he did. Doing what he did, it wasn’t like Kurt could set up a web page and advertise. That was just begging for a one way ticket to a ten by eight cell for life, if not the chair.
Tipping his beer up he did another visual sweep of the place. Movement from the end of the bar near the girls caught his attention. Son of a … bikers, why the hell is it always bikers? Most were good guys even if they did shit that had the law on their asses most of the time. Then there were the wannabes who acted tough, blew smoke, and basically started shit. The guys making lewd gestures to one another about the sorority sisters were very definitely in the second category.
Big, scary looking, and assholes. They’d also been drinking so it was a situation ripe, and ready to explode. Setting his beer down Kurt turned slightly. “You may want to finish that up, and clear out. There’s about to be trouble in here.”
Kurt was itching for a fight. His last job had gone smoothly, too smoothly for him. He was a hands-on sort that liked to get good and bloody. The biker assholes might finally give him a way to let off a bit of steam. And if he happened to break a few of their bones or faces, all the better in his mind. While Kurt’s conscience didn’t pipe up all that often, there was no way he’d risk the guy that was his go-to man.
“Uh, shit, right.” Lenny chugged the last of his beer quickly. He reached to his pocket.
“I got it, go.” Kurt pulled off a couple of bills to pay for his beers and Lenny’s. The man took a cut off every job Kurt completed, which was all of them because he was that fucking good, but Kurt still paid for his drinks at every meet.
“One of these days I will pay for a drink, you know.”
“You can try, but we both know who has the better and faster moves. Now go. You’re no use to me in a hospital.”
“The love and concern for my wellbeing I feel pouring off you warms my heart.”
Hearing the sarcasm Kurt turned his eyes on the other man, and growled. Not some pissy ass sound a human could make, but a sound only a born predator could pull from the bowels of his gut.
Tiger's Mate is part of the Bad Alpha anthology published with Evernight Publishing. I am honored to be part of this anthology with these other amazing authors. 
Find April Zyon:

Welcome to Moira Callahan with new release, The Rhythm, @EvernightPub @AuthorMoira #giveaway

BLURB: Living Victorious, 1 Jennifer Mitchell has only one goal in mind—she must get an interview with the band, Victorious. It's a task many journalists have attempted over the last ten years, only to be shot down by the band’s manager. The fact she desperately wants to meet their drummer has absolutely nothing to do with it. Being the drummer for Victorious allows Lance West to remain out of the spotlight, and still have an important role in creating the music their fans clamor for. Then he meets Jennifer. While she may be focused on an exclusive interview, Lance has other ideas for the sexy woman. Screaming fans and thunderous applause might warm his blood, but Lance only wants one woman to warm his bed night after night. She is everything to him, the rhythm that soothes his scarred soul, and he’ll do whatever it takes to prove it.


  EXCERPT: His hand moved to wrap around her throat forcing her chin up. She didn’t feel threatened. It had her knees wobbling, and her pussy throbbing in need. “I actually do need to say them, Jennifer. It’s a driving need to try and explain to you what I’m thinking and feeling.” He stroked his thumb over her pulse tenderly while staring down at her. Swallowing, she pressed her hands lightly to his chest, her fingers stroking over the tight muscle until she settled them on the waist of his jeans. “Why?” she asked. She wasn’t entirely sure what she was asking either. Popping the top button loose, she worked her way down the line of buttons until his jeans gaped open. She quickly discovered he was going commando under his jeans when she rubbed a finger to the short curls at his groin. At her throat, his hand flexed. His pupils dilated, and his breathing turned sharper. “Because we’re connected. On a level I can’t begin to describe, in a way I’m not sure I can comprehend. All I know is that you are important and that means you need to know exactly how I feel about you. All of you.” His words hit her hard. No one had said anything of the sort to her before. There was a deeper meaning behind them. She wasn’t ready to dissect them yet, but later she knew she would. All she could do right then was fist the front of his jeans and push to her toes to kiss him. She didn’t have any words to give back, her mind, and tongue too tied in knots to try. But she could maybe make him understand that she got it with a kiss. The hand at her throat slid around into her hair as he deepened the kiss. His tongue slid over hers to tangle with it. Moaning into the kiss, she pushed at his jeans until gravity took over. She felt him shift to kick them away, and then his body was pressed up tight against hers. With the hand in her hair and the other that landed on her ass, he began to move her. Until she felt the bed at the backs of her legs, she hadn’t cared where he was guiding her. In that moment, she needed him with a growing ferocity that scared her. Twisting, she pushed him to his back on the mattress. A knee next to his hip helped her up to straddle him. Then their mouths were fused together again. Another moan tore from her as he rolled, and pushed them further up on the bed. The sensations bombarding her when he settled his body to hers nearly had her coming apart at the seams. It had been too long since she’d had the intimate touch of a man. But never, not once, had she truly felt this in tune with another person as she did with Lance. Both a terrifying and extremely liberating sensation. Now if only she could convince him to move things along.

AUTHOR BIO: Moira Callahan is a Canadian born and raised author. She loves to write, and only has a few select criteria that have to be in each of her books. A great story, steamy romance, and a HEA ending. The sub-genre isn’t as important to her as making whatever she writes feel real, and in the moment to her readers. To that end she insists her characters be as real as everyday folks, even if they are blessed with a little fictional fairy dust to make them anyone’s personal fantasy. They must have faults, they must have a weakness, and they must have soul. To that end she writes her characters with a mixture of traits – a dash from herself, and something borrowed from a friend. This way the character is as perfectly imperfect as any other person on the planet. AUTHOR LINKS:
Join the Living Victorious Page on Facebook to get in on exclusive excerpts, teasers, and giveaways.
The Rhythm, Living Victorious Release 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Welcome to author Lynne Burke and the new installment of the Risso Family novels, 'Complete with Her'

Now available - the next installment of Lynn Burke's Risso Family novellas!
Complete with Her
A Risso Family Novella
Contemporary Romance
by Lynn Burke
August 10, 2015
Evernight Publishing
Bastian Risso breaks away from his loud, intrusive family and moves to Charleston, West Virginia. His new neighbor is a seemingly lonely soul, a kindred introvert who might be his perfect matchHer beauty calls to him like a siren, and determined not to be a chicken-shit, he steps out of his comfort zone to make her acquaintance. 

Eve Thompson is protective of her privacy. She relishes her solitude as it keeps people from staring at her deformed upper lip or making fun of her speech impediment. Her persistent neighbor, however, proves a temptation too great to resist. His sincere smiles and compliments threaten to crumble the brick wall she hides behind. And his affections evoke feelings she can't control. 

Bastian plans to show Eve the beauty of who she is inside and out. But will his efforts break down her barriers or shatter both their fragile hearts
Click on the image above for more information about the Risso Family!
Sprawling out on my borrowed sleeping bag beside the fire, I feasted my eyes on Eve as she moved with ease around our site. No fidgeting. No sidelong glances. “I can see why you love it out here.”
She tucked an escaped lock of hair behind an ear and bent over her task of wiping the blackened pot clean. “While it’s quiet at home, nothing compares to the peaceful outdoors.”
Temptation to tell her I knew of a thing or two that would compare in enjoyment rolled over me, but I refrained. Shadows lengthened across the small campground, and although we had neighbors a stone throw away, their murmuring barely reached my ears. Shrubs and trees blocked us from view, and leaning back, hands behind my head, I decided tonight, come hell or high water, I would hear Eve’s gasps, smother her moans with my lips as my hands explored her body.
Twilight hindered sight through the trees before she finished cleaning up. After hiding herself in the tent for a few minutes, she emerged with pants and clogs replacing her hiking gear. She settled onto the ground beside my knees.
I leaned up on my elbow and propped my head on my hand. “Eve.” I patted the sleeping bag I laid on. “Come up here.”
Her bottom lip sucked between her teeth as she peered at me in the growing darkness. “Why?”
“I want to kiss you.”
A gasp reached my ears, and I wished we’d brought a lantern so I could see her face. She scooted to my side, and I tugged her down to lay beside me.
Baby steps.
Inches separated our bodies, but I didn’t pull her close like I longed to do. Instead, I ran a fingertip down her cheek and neck, her pulse thrumming beneath my feather-light touch. She gazed up at me with widened eyes. Her lips parted and breathing hitched, and I held in my groan. As if my aching cock needed her encouragement.
Enjoying the tension sizzling between us, I leaned down and kissed her, and the second I swept my tongue along the seam of her lips, she moaned and shimmied closer.
Arousal rolled over me, and I clamped my arm around her waist, pressing her breasts and hips tight against me. My groan escaped into her mouth. No way in hell would I get any sleep.
About Lynn Burke
Lynn Burke is a full time mother, voracious gardener, and scribbler of spicy romance stories. A country bumpkin turned Bay Stater, she enjoys her chowdah and Dunkin Donuts when not trying to escape the reality of city life.

Her current work, the Risso Familly Novellas, revolves around four siblings from Boston’s North End.

Find Lynn on her websiteFacebookTwitterTumblrAmazon, and Goodreads.

Wolf #shifter Wednesday from WIP 'Wolf Bond' paranormal romance #teaser #midweektease

Liberty Venn longs for love after her alpha brother, Joshua Venn, found it with Dani Cruz. It's a year after the Cruz entrepreneurs have regenerated the town and saved Liberty from closing her cafe. One day a man arrives in the cafe and Liberty is instantly drawn to him. Eden Farrell has come to town and everything is about to change.

Releasing in October 2015 from Siren Publishing

Read the teaser:

Liberty bent to Eden and kissed his mouth.

The sweetness in the soft, quick, kiss ignited Eden’s need for her further. A murmur of disappointment escaped him as she drew away. “Thank you. I want more.” He smiled gently.
Liberty’s eyes flooded with affection. “So do I, but sadly I have to work.”
Eden caught her wrist in his hand as she turned to leave his table.

She looked into his eyes.

Her soft skin under his fingers and the sheer desire in her expression made his cock jerk. He let her go. Eden drank some of his coffee and then left the rest to go cold as he watched Liberty with feverish devotion. Her every move enchanted him.
Craig came to Eden’s table with the coffee pot and refilled his cup.
Eden grabbed up a newspaper that had been left on a nearby table, and pretended to read it, but all the time he feasted on the sight of Liberty moving around the café, occasionally glancing his way, until finally she arrived back at his table.

“You’re boring holes in me with those admittedly gorgeous blue eyes staring at me the whole time. Craig’s asked if he should get you to leave. He thinks you’re creepy. Are you?” She grinned mischievously.
© Elodie Parkes 2015
Currently sitting around 16 in the top 30 bestsellers on Siren, Surprising the Alpha, The Venn Pack in Love 1
Joshua Venn is looking for answers. It's one hot summer and someone hides a secret. This alpha is in for more than one surprise.