The lovely Tom from 'Candy Hearts' is asking for a date in #MWTease @HotInkBks

Meme organized by the lovely Sandra Bunino
Teasing from WIP Candy Hearts

He showered and dressed casually. He wore black and white for the hotel work so Tom dragged on his favorite jeans and T-shirt. He added his zip hoodie and a black pea coat, pushed his feet into his boots and left his apartment. He walked a little way along the cliff top and then doubled back to get coffee. Today he was going to ask out the young woman who served him. She’d always been professional with him and so he rehearsed what he might say.
Hi, what time do you get off work, maybe we can grab a bite to eat together? It was casual, but showed intent, he thought, and when she answered, it would tell him things about her. That is unless she just said, no.

Tom smiled as he entered the coffee shop. He took a copy of the newspapers on the stand and went to a table by the window. It was only a few seconds before she stood by the table. The young woman who always served him waited with her pad for his order. Tom looked at her, and for the first time he really saw her. He’d been aware she was pretty, but now her creamy skin and huge hazel eyes gave him a little shiver of anticipation. He considered her mouth as she asked what she could get for him. He saw how full her lips were. He’d like to kiss them, rub his thumb along them, and suck the bottom one. His stomach clenched as her lovely throaty voice broke into his thoughts.

“Sir, what can I get you?” It was the second time she’d asked.

Tom glimpsed amusement in her gaze for a second and then she was back to the professional she’d always been.
“Just my usual Italian roast, please.” He looked at the name badge on the collar of her shirt. It read, Sky. He repeated his order and added the name.

She stared at him for a second then nodded. She turned on her heel and went to the counter.

Tom watched the way her pretty bottom moved in the black pants she wore. The ruffle of the pink-striped shirt skimmed the top of her hips. Tom saw it swish a little. How had he not seen she was so sexy before now? Funny though, that her name was Sky because he thought he’d seen a longer name on her badge. He didn’t know what it was. That’s bad, he thought. He felt a strange longing to apologize to her for never knowing her name. It seemed inconsiderate when she served him every time he came in.

When she brought him his coffee, he tried to engage her in conversation.
“Looks like it’s going to be a sunny day…no rain…” He trailed away not knowing how to go on.

She looked at him for a few seconds and then smiled.
“It was cold when I came to work.”

Tom was encouraged by her smile. “It still is. What time did you start work?”


He nodded. “So now it’s ten do you get a coffee break? I’d love to have company.”

She glanced around at the counter and then nodded. “I can ask for my break.”

Tom smiled. “Please do.” He watched her walk away and through a door that led to the kitchens.” Wow. He took a sip of his coffee and pushed the newspapers to one side.

Sky came back to his table carrying a cup of coffee. She sat opposite him.

Tom took a deep breath. “This is great. Thank you, Sky.”

She smiled and shook her head. “My name isn’t Sky. We get a different name every week. It’s to stop stalkers. A girl had a rough time a couple of years ago and since then we just have a name allocated.”

Tom gave her a sympathetic glance. “That’s horrible. So have you worked here for long?”

“Longer than you’ve been coming in here, just over a year.”

Tom smiled. She’s aware how long I’ve been a customer. “So can I know your real name?”

Sky shook her head. “Not yet.”

“Okay. My name’s Tom. I guess I have to call you Sky.”

She nodded. “I know who you are. You work at The Rock Hotel. I’ve seen you there.”

Tom was surprised. “I’ve not seen you.”

Sky looked into his eyes for a moment.

Tom felt as if she considered telling him something, but then she picked up her coffee, and drank some.
He drank some of his own coffee before asking, “I’d love to talk with you more, in a place you don’t work. Would you have dinner with me?” He saw her hesitate, and then her eyes told him she’d decided.


Tom hoped she’d add when, but she didn’t, so he grinned. “How about tonight?”

“Okay. Do you have a place in mind? I’ll meet you.”

Tom hadn’t thought that far ahead. “Is there somewhere you’d like to go?”

“The Seahorse Inn is great. I’ll meet you in their front porch at eight.” She stood, picked up her coffee cup, and left his table.
©Elodie Parkes Hot Ink Press



  1. Intriguing start, Elodie. Good tease. :)

  2. Aw, what a sweet moment. Great tease, Elodie :-)

  3. Got a feeling this is going to be one sweetly hot couple. Great work, Elodie!


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