#SexySnippets today from 'A Fairy Tale Romance' December release from Evernight Publishing

Sexy Snippets are seven sentences, taken from a work in progress, or published book, brought to you every Sunday. http://thenuthousescribblers.blogspot.co.uk/p/sexy-snippets.html

Seven sexy sentences:
Grace wore a yellow sundress. It hugged her shapely hips and flared around her pretty thighs.

Thorn looked hungrily at the satiny skin of her shoulders, the top of her arms, where the sun had kissed them, and then into her beautiful eyes.

Grace gazed at Thorn.

Sandy stepped up and handed the keys to Grace. It broke the spell between Thorn and the young woman.

They stopped staring at each other, though Thorn would have liked to for longer.


  1. Lovely tension in this snippet, Elodie :-)

  2. It's definitely smoldering between these two :)


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