Fabulous new release from author Katalina Leon, 'Forsaken Realms' #eroticromance #adventure not to be missed

Forsaken Realms:
On The Run, Bounty Hunters.
 “Retrieval specialist” is a fancy term for high-level corporate bounty hunting and Agent Gemmina Nayar is the best in her league. She’s a sense-enhanced, level-seven bounty hunter from New Mumbai who receives an exclusive invitation to track a dangerous criminal on private property. She arrives on the tropical planetoid eager to hunt and release her inner tigress, but is disappointed to discover the bounty has already been captured.
Syan is a Kironian, an off-limits alien race. He’s gorgeous, rugged and all male. Even sedated and forced to wear an electronic silence collar, he resembles a coppery skinned refugee from Mount Olympus. Gemmina’s unaware Kironian saliva is loaded with pheromones that can turn even the most indifferent woman into a willing mate. A single kiss or bite is sabotage.

When the mission turns lethal, she realizes she’s not only been tricked into bringing the wrong man to justice, but the harsh jungle below is a calculated trap.

Read an excerpt:

Four guards wearing head-to-toe body armor and face shields, and carrying ionized bang sticks with the tips glowing hot, marched toward her, dragging a semi-conscious man between them. The captive was slumped forward with head hanging and a tousle of dark, wavy hair concealing his face. His splayed legs hung limp, and the toes of his heavy boots dug deep furrows into the beach. The current sedation seemed to be effective.
A guard stepped forward. “Opened the skimmer’s bay wider. This is a big guy.”
Gemmina carefully lifted her feet and dared to take a shaky step or two across the rolling glass-bead beach.
“Hold on. Let me have a look at him before I take custody.”
She removed a handheld scanner from a hip pocket, activated it, and waved it over the inert captive.
“I’m looking for possible broken bones, signs of abuse, bruising, internal injuries, slow- acting poisons, et cetera.... In short, anything that I don’t want to be held legally responsible for. I’m making a complete virtual record of his physical condition at the time he was taken into my custody.”
She scanned the man’s powerful limbs. Syan wore a snug, black pressure suit made of stretchy fabric that emphasized the curved sweep of thick biceps and broad thighs. The man was built. Best guess was he’d be at least a head and a half taller than she was. He appeared to be pure muscle and was likely at least twice her weight. Without a doubt, he was going to be a challenge to transport, and she wished she had a bigger ship with a secure gravity-plus chamber to lock him inside.
The guard who had removed his face shield appeared concerned. “Is everything all right?”
“Aside from mild dehydration, so far everything’s fine, but don’t rush me. Taking a virtual report is serious business. If a judge ever discovered that I let it slide before I—”
The guard interrupted. “No one’s rushing you! Take your time.” Then he made the spinning fingers motion, which was the universal sign for hurry-up.
With a gentle touch, she explored the top of Syan’s head. His hair was unlike that of any species she’d ever seen. It was dense, and the glossy locks that hung to his chin were such a deep black they shimmered with a purple iridescence reminiscent of a raven’s feather. Fascinated, she rubbed a few strands between her fingertips. Kironian hair was gorgeous and felt like silk. Touching it was mesmerizing.
The guard frowned. “What are you looking at? Is something wrong?”
“I’m examining him. I’ve never seen a Kironian before.” She knelt to Syan’s level, brushed his long hair aside, and cautiously lifted his chin. Her breath caught. He was stunning with heavy, black brows and rugged features paired with flawless, coppery skin. He looked like a refugee from Mount Olympus now collared and bound. He was too damn perfect in a provocative way.
Syan opened his eyes, which were ringed with lush, black lashes. Just that one movement appeared to tax him, and the first moments his attention seemed to drift before coming into focus, but, when it did, his gaze was laser-sharp. Without blinking he looked directly at her. He had large, commanding black eyes with the slightest violet sheen. The intensity of a bird of prey shone in their depths.
His gaze narrowed and for a moment she imagined he was attempting to speak to her, in code or through looks. A weird sense of telepathic connection lingered. Suddenly a rush of jumbled images raced through her mind. The images were disturbing and violent, and churned unsettling emotions. He opened his mouth as if he were silently screaming, wriggled one arm free of the guards and lunged toward her throat with teeth bared.
“Whoa!” Gemmina leaped backward, toppled, and crawled away on her elbows like a crab until she sank into the beach sand. “Holy crap! What was that about? This man’s not sedated!”
The guards surrounded Syan and delivered a crackling volley of stunning bursts from their blast sticks until their captive shuddered, fell, and lay limp on the ground with a trickle of blood running from his bitten lip.
“That’s enough!” she shouted…
About the author:
Katalina Leon is an artist and author who can’t commit to a single genre. Her favorite playgrounds are historical, Sci-fi, contemporary, and most of all paranormal realms. Katalina brings a sense of adventure and a touch of the mystical to erotic romance. She believes there's a daring heroine inside every woman who wants to take a wild ride with a strong worthy hero.

“Forsaken Realms” Is part of Bounty Hunters United and Fated Desires Publishing Special Lines.

Fated Desires Publishing: http://fateddesires.com/

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Twitter: @Katalina_Leon

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