Leave me Breathless in #MWTease #midweekteaser #romance

From June Evernight Publishing release
Leave me Breathless

The perfume from the flowers that a few seconds ago had been so enjoyable, suddenly overwhelmed him with sticky sweetness. He dropped the petal on the table, next to his discarded drink, and walked swiftly through the room to the patio. She’s new in town, and already in a private booth with the curtain closedfucking hell, and with two mentwo men. A frown creased between his eyes as he realized how inexplicably upset the news had made him. What the hell is wrong with me? I’ve only glimpsed this woman.

The warmth of the evening hit him as he charged to the end of the patio and stood by the trellis of purple Clematis trying to calm himself and identify exactly why his reaction was so strong. He dragged off the jacket that he liked to wear in the chilly air-con of the house. The tailored linen usually added to his elegance, but now he dropped it to the tiled floor, uncaring. 

Copyright Elodie Parkes 2016

HOP to the next #MWTease


  1. Sexy! Sure to leave the reader breathless as well.

  2. He sounds smitten already, lol. Great tease :)

  3. He's got it bad! Great tease, Elodie! :)


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