Welcome to Nicolette Grey with the cover for her hot off the press new release 'Gone'

Released Friday August 23, 
'Gone' is hot off the press
 Susannah Ralston’s plans are right on track. With three months left before graduation, she’s already looking forward to life after college. But her circumstances take an awkward turn after an unexpected night of shared passion with her roommate and best friend. Mortified by the abrupt shift in their relationship she moves out, only to find that Bethany and her boyfriend are missing several days later. With the cops’ reluctance to help and their last known whereabouts a hippie commune in Vermont, she dons a bandana and a Peace necklace and heads north…with one very hot graduate student by her side.

    What she finds when she joins the alternative lifestyle at Sunflower Farm appears to be just what it looks like…but is life as groovy as it seems in the Northeast Kingdom - or is there something more sinister lurking behind the façade of peace and love?   

Sex, drugs, and rock and roll - it’s 1973 and life’s groovy…but life can change in an instant.


  1. beautifully sensual cover- sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing.
    My Blog

  2. The couple kissing and the fact I like blue make this a super hot cover in my opinion. I read Nicolette's previous works and this one is next on my list to be read. I'm certain she won't let me down. And set in the early seventies. Well I hate to admit it but I vaguely remember those days.

    You're doing great Nicolette.


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