The Old Star , erotic romance with a twist of paranormal releases August 23 from Hot Ink Press

Today I'm celebrating the approaching release of 'The Old Star' with the launch of the book cover

Tacked onto the front of the building was a ‘for lease’ sign and Cathy took note of the real estate agency name. This whole side of the square was full of offices with brass plaques on the doors and brickwork. The doorknobs and mail slots were polished. Cathy realized this end building was the odd one out. She glanced at the upper stories. The windows were covered with newspaper. It had yellowed so it was older than that covering the downstairs windows. Cathy was about to continue on her way, suddenly aware that she was getting very wet from the continuous downpour, when she saw the name over the big oak door. It was carved into the stone lintel, The Old Star.
Cathy had a shiver down her spine as she read the name...

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If you missed the red hot excerpt, here's the link

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  1. I like books with old spooky houses in them!

  2. Hi Elodie,
    Couldn't resist visiting to see the new trailer in action, great cover. :-)

  3. Thanks for sharing The Old Star and Congrats on the release. Sounds like a good book. evamillien at gmail dot com

  4. sounds like a fun one thanks for the giveaway! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  5. thank you for the giveaway

  6. Love your blog! And thanks for hosting this giveaway =)

  7. I really can't wait to read this book. I love the cover and I love your blog.

  8. Your book sounds eerily good! I am always looking for new authors to read. I have added your name to my TBR list.


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