Wednesday is book hook day and I'm revealing the cover for The Flower Box, my next release with Hot Ink Press, #MFRWhooks

Alice longs for love. Oliver wants to give her flowers and candy until he thinks she has another lover. Will his jealously drive him away from Alice or straight into her arms?

Read the hook excerpt:

Alice’s assistant gave a low whistle as Oliver left the shop. She went to stand next to Alice and they both watched Oliver as he passed the big windowpane. It wasn’t easy because of the light inside and almost dusk out, but they both stared.

“Wow, where did he come from? I’ve not seen a guy as gorgeous as him in a long time.” Her assistant made a face at Alice, which she interpreted as conveying huge appreciation of the man who’d just bought flowers.

Alice took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. “He’ll be married. Probably have three kids. The flowers are for his wife, for sure. No one like him will be single. You’re right, Joyce, he’s gorgeous. Made me tremble, looking at me with those lovely blue eyes. I could barely tie the flower bunch for staring at his mouth. I hope he didn’t notice. He took off quickly, probably thought I was about to fall at his feet. Look he left his change.” She opened her hand to show Joyce the coins.

Joyce pursed her lips. “Maybe he was just in a hurry. Give it to me I’ll put it in the charity collection.” She held her hand out and Alice put the money into her palm.

She watched as Joyce fed the coins into the animal shelter’s collection box.

“It would be so nice to have someone like him to go home to.” Her voice was wistful as she walked past Joyce and started tidying the counter. They would be open for a couple more hours, and she liked to keep the place looking good.

Joyce grinned. “He might be gorgeous, but he could be horrible, grumpy, snore, or something. Maybe he’s bought the flowers to say sorry for something he did such as...” She stopped talking as two customers came through the door.

Alice greeted them.

  Copyright Elodie Parkes 2014 FEB 7 release from Hot Ink Press

  Copyright Elodie Parkes 2014 FEB 7 release from Hot Ink Press

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